Unshackle Upstate Testifies at Assembly Small Business Hearing

June 16th, 2020
Unshackle Upstate Executive Director Michael Kracker testified at the NYS Assembly virtual hearing. The focus of the hearing was on the federal response to the economic impact of COVID-19 on small businesses.
Unshackle Upstate’s testimony highlighted the fiscal crisis brought on by a months-long economic shutdown, the use of federal support programs as a lifeline for small business and the need to New York State to enact immediate and long term reforms to support our economic recovery.
“While this crisis has offered unprecedented new challenges, the environment in New York has long been hostile to businesses. As we move forward from this crisis, we should take the opportunity to consider how we can do better. With New York currently ranked as the second worst business tax climate in the nation, there is significant room for improvement.
“Reducing taxes, eliminating job killing mandates and improving our regulatory climate are just a few ways we can make life easier for businesses in New York. As this recovery moves forward, we encourage future conversations on ways we can build the upstate economy back better.“
You can read Unshackle Upstate’s full testimony here and view a video of the hearing testimony here.