Legislative Memo

Small Business Liaison

May 6th, 2020

March 10, 2020

RE: An act to amend the state administrative procedure act,
in relation to designating a small business liaison

S.7357 (Kaplan)


Unshackle Upstate, a non-partisan, pro-taxpayer, pro-economic growth, education and advocacy coalition made up of business and trade organizations from all parts of Upstate New York strongly supports this legislation.

This legislation would create a small business liaison with the Departments of Agriculture and Markets, Environmental Conservation, Labor, Transportation, and Taxation and Finance.

While New York businesses often cite concerns with the state tax climate, the regulatory burden can be equally challenging. Companies in New York, particularly our small businesses, often struggle with navigating a myriad of laws, regulations or mandates.

This proposal would create a small business liaison to provide New York’s independent employers with a contact at five key administrative agencies. This liaison would help address the questions or concerns businesses might have with a particular policy, improving communication, increasing compliance and saving employers time.

Unshackle Upstate has consistently advocated for policies that will make New York a better place to do business. If enacted, this legislation would a positive step towards improving the relationship between New York’s small businesses and state government.

For these reasons, Unshackle Upstate supports this legislation.

Michael Kracker, Executive Director