Press Releases

Public Service Commission’s Decision to Reject Requests to Increase State Subsidies for Renewable Projects a Victory for Upstate

October 12th, 2023

The following statement can be attributed to Justin Wilcox, Executive Director of Upstate United

“The PCS’s unanimous decision to deny requests for increased funding for renewable energy projects was the right one – and a huge win for Upstate ratepayers. 

“We have called for transparency relating to the price tag of the CLCPA from the start, especially since Upstate residents continue to shoulder the lion’s share of these ballooning costs, while downstate receives nearly 100% of the benefit. This decision protects New Yorkers from a dangerous precedent of allowing developers to dictate the CLCPA’s aggressive timeline by pressuring policymakers and attempting to amend already executed and approved contracts while putting the state’s ability to meet its legally bound deadlines in jeopardy.

“It also demonstrates a commitment to upholding the PSC’s mission, which is to, ‘ensure affordable, safe, secure, and reliable access to electric, gas, steam, telecommunications, and water services for New York State’s residential and business consumers, at just and reasonable rates, while protecting the natural environment.’
