Press Releases

Statement from Upstate United Regarding Micron’s Idaho Chip Plant Announcement

September 1st, 2022

The following statement is attributable to Justin Wilcox, executive director of Upstate United

“Micron’s decision to build its new $15 billion chip plant in Idaho shows that New York can’t compete with other states for major, transformative projects. The state’s new Green CHIPS program simply can’t overcome its massive tax burden and harsh business climate. In fact, analyses from The Tax Foundation show that Idaho has better rankings for its local-state tax burden and business tax climate compared to New York.

New York will become further disadvantaged if it implements new energy mandates that will add to the challenges of manufacturers and other sectors.

We urge our leaders in Albany to look at this decision as a wake-up call to deliver the relief and reforms that New York desperately needs. In order to bring back our economy and our people, New York must be able to compete and win.”