
Unshackle Upstate Slams Revised Single Payer Proposal

February 11th, 2019

“The latest version of New York’s single payer scheme hits overburdened taxpayers with an additional $43 billion in new taxes. In total, this proposal will impose more than $250 billion in new taxes. That’s not just irresponsible, it’s malpractice.

Supporters of this single payer scheme either have forgotten or choose to ignore the fact that New York State imposes highest tax burden in the nation. More than 1 million hardworking men and women have left New York during the last decade; due largely to the State’s high taxes and lack of economic opportunities.

This proposal imposes the single largest tax increase in New York State history, eliminating 150,000 jobs in the process. Struggling taxpayers can’t afford that and we won’t stand for it. Our leaders in Albany should scrap this devastating proposal and focus on lowering costs and expanding coverage to the 5 percent of New Yorkers who don’t currently have health coverage.”