UU Media

WBGH: Unshackle Upstate Calls on State Leaders to Accelerate Upstate Re-Opening Plan

April 21st, 2020

WBGH, April 21, 2020

From Unshackle Upstate:

Statement Attributable to Michael Kracker, Executive Director of Unshackle Upstate

“As state officials begin the important task of restarting our economy, it is critical that they engage Upstate businesses leaders in this process. While we understand the challenges of implementing a regional economic reboot, it is important for state officials to recognize the realities on the ground. State and local leaders have taken strong steps to stop the spread of the virus – reducing the health impact. The economic impact, however, has taken an extraordinary toll on an already struggling Upstate economy.

We urge Governor Cuomo and the economic council to work with Upstate’s business leaders to implement an Upstate-specific plan that protects the health of our people and our economy. A one-size-fits-all strategy is simply not the best fit for Upstate New York.”